
Young Writers Society

The Mansion chapter 5

by Lord Anzius


When I at long last got home, I was out of breath.

Mike was sitting on a chair his back at me. He turned his head at me when the door closed, with a bang. I was totally wet because of the sweat, still gripping the sword in my left hand, I angrily looked at the trouble free gnome.

The gnome had some odd drink in his hands that he was sipping through a straw.

“What’s with the cold stare?” He said smiling brightly.

“Y-you, Left me behind,” I continued to stare at him.

He tried to look as innocent as he could. He had a fake surprised expression on his face when said if I wouldn't have ran I could have gotten hit.”

I looked at him sternly. I turned my back at him, I was going to walk to the kitchen when I heard him gasp… or maybe giggle.

“M-mike you have a-a-a…” He burst out into hysterical laughter.

“A what?!” I shouted.

He looked at me for a minute. I thought he might laugh again.

“You have an arrow up your ass.” He sat on the chair giggling.

I looked at him shocked. I tried my butt… And there it was: A short arrow, it hadn't gone too deep.

Why hadn’t I felt it?.. Maybe because all the feeling left my legs on the half way home, but now the pain was rushing back in a blur. "Ow!" I wailed.

“You will help me get it off.” I commanded. The gnome sat up from the chair, and sighed as one would when facing a small child who had done something stupid.

He walked behind me and… “Aargh!” The pain was undeniable. I rolled on the ground.

“Outch… Arghhhhh!!!”

Mike looked at me smiling. He seemed to get some sick entertainment from the situation.

When I got up after rolling around the floor for many minutes, I tried not to bang Mike's head through the wall.

“Why are you smiling" I growled.

“Well you don't see a man with an arrow up his ass everyday now do you,” He said.

If looks could kill... If only looks could kill. I thought to myself.

I sighed, and looked at the sword. At least I got the sword.

“Hey jack!” Mike shouted from the cellar. I wondered how he'd got there that fast.

“Yes!” I shouted back.

The gnomes head popped from the cellar, he scared me half dead.

“Do not do that.” I was huffing on the floor.

The gnome's lips started to curl on the sides again. "Dare to smile, and I'll be serving your head for breakfast," I warned.

He was fighting the upcoming smile, but he was able to keep a fairly steady face His expression “Is it okay if G’jarg, and Nel come here, next week.”

I grimaced, but I still said: “Sure.” Then I thought of something, “Why do you call he G’jarg? Isn’t his name Anu?” I asked in a curious tone.

“G’jarg means “The big hair” it is a great compliment in the troll language and culture.” Mike replied.

"Is that so..." this was when the exhaustion of the last night caught on.

I yawned, "I'm going to bed," I turned around and walked away from Mike before he could answer. I could hear him giggling behind me.

As I walked up the stairs I gripped the sword and looked at it; It had fine white line going on the blade from the tip to the handle, it was made of silver and the handle of brown leather and gold. Silver isn’t really the toughest material. I thought.

While stepping to my bedroom, I swung the sword at my hat hanger… it cut through easily.

WOW. Was the first thing that popped in mind as I examined the pure and very clean cut that the sword had made. Having that sword in my hands was quite reassuring and created an undeniable sense of security.

I went to sleep on my secondhand bed and pulled my sheets on myself. The sword rested just besides me.

I woke up to the smell of pancakes.

I walked down and saw Mike making a big pile of the sweet pancakes that he made every morning.

As I sat on my normal chair in the kitchen Mike told me “good morning.”

I was quite tired and just mumbled something back to him "Gud mrgning," was what I could recall saying.

I ate the pancakes and then left to my daily job at the bank.

I hated the bank. My job was so boring. All I did was deny applications, stamp approval to applications and sighed behind a desk… all day.

I sat behind my brown wooden work desk, gripped the old dusty stamp and started stamping, and denying applications.

Stamp, deny, stamp, deny.

Application for loan: reason for loan: Need to start a company that makes food out of dogs: denied.

Application for loan: Money to buy a house: Stamped.

That was my day in my lonely office room.

When I got home I threw my bag on the ground and sat on my chair in the living room.

Mike walked to me and looked at me for a while. “Jack I think you need a bit of some adventure into your life."

I snorted. "What makes you think like that?" I looked up at him, his´face was lacking the normal smile. "What?" I asked.

"You work to hard. You need an adventure," he stated.

"And where could I get an adventure like that?" i gave him a smile. That's when his grin returned. it looked suspicious, and I didn't like it... Not one bit.

He pulled me off the chair. "Hey wait a min-" he pushed me down into the cellar.

I sprawled to the ground "Oi! Why the hell did you do that?" He walked to the stone wall, and pulled a lever that I had never seen before. The ground under my feet moved away and I fell, again. I remember sliding down some kind of a drain. I hit one of the sides with my head. "Ouch!" I cried out.

[url]Why me?[/url] I asked.

When I got to the end of the tunnel I was full of bruises. “Aw. My head.” I complained.

Mike walked to me from the dark drain without a scratch. He pointed at something before me.

I looked and I saw it. A monstrous train-like machine. It seemed to have horns.

I turned to Mike: “What is it.” I asked

Mike was looking at the machine “The UNDERWORLD EXPRESS.” He answered.

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Tue Apr 14, 2009 8:02 pm
Moriah Leila wrote a review...

I'm trying to raise my point count since it just got reset to 300. = ( Anywho, I'm going to be brief and rather frank so please do not be offended. With that in mind, tally ho!

I still hadn’t gained my breath back “Y(huff)ou, Le(puff)ft me (huff) behind (puff).” I continued to stare at him.

This is the second time you said you were out of breath. Also, I do not like the use of parathesis within the dialouge, it is choppy and not very good grammar. Let the reader decide where you pause for breath.

He tried to look as innocent as he could. He had a faked “surprised expression” on his face, “If I wouldn’t have run I could have got hit.” He said.

You use a lot of quotation marks when it isn't dialouge and this is rather frustrating. It disruptes the flow and is unnecessary. If you want to put emphasis on a set of words then italicize it.

“M-mike (giggle) you have a-a-a…” He burst out into hysterical laughter.

Again, the parathesis need to go.

“A what?!” I shout out.

Reword: I shouted.

“You have an arrow in your ass.” He sat on the chair giggling.

I'm not really sure having an arrow in your ass should be a laughing matter. Also, I don't think it is very realistic that Jack wouldn't feel it. It would have affected his ability to run dramatically since muscles in your legs are connected to muscles in your ass. For this reason I think you should take this part out, or perhaps Jack was lucky enough to be wearing extra thick clothing so that the arrow stuck in his clothing but did not pierce the skin. Something, but as it is, it is too unrealistic for anyone to believe.

“Well it’s not like there is coming something good from the TV.” He said smiling

“What TV. I don’t have a TV.” I said

“Exactly!” He replied

I sighed, and looked at the sword. At least I got the sword.

What is the purpose of this dialouge? I mean where did the talk of TV come from? How does this affect your major plot line? Does this dialouge change your characters in an obvious way? If this dialouge is nothing but filler or a means to change the subject then it needs to go. It is a waste of words. (Sorry, that was harsh. I have taken away my dessert for the whole week as punishment.)

The gnome was ´Still` smiling

Again, the quotation marks are not necessary, and I don't like that you capitalized the word. If you want emphasis just italicize it.

As I walked up the stairs I gripped the sword and looked at it[s];[/s]. It had fine white line going on the blade from the tip to the handle, it was golden by color and the handle was made of brown leather.

First of all, you need to start a new sentence instead of putting a semi-colon there. I think on should be down and I think by should be in. This will all help with your flow.

I went to sleep on my old bed and pulled my new sheets on myself.

What is with the old bed and new sheets? When did he get new sheets? What is the signifigance of this?

I woke up to the smell of pancakes.

I walked down and saw mike making a big pile of the sweet pancakes that he did every morning.

I think this is so funny because I totally suggested this in the third chapter like I was a mind reader or something. I like that you made Mike a good cook, it adds to his personality, plus it allows him to "earn his keep". There was a capitalization that you missed in there.

Application for loan: reason for loan: Need to start a company that makes food out of dogs: denied.

I couldn't help but laugh at this. There was a chinese restuarant we used to go to and my sister swore they made the food out of stray dogs.

Overall: I'm curious to see where this whole Underworld Express goes and how this affects Jack as a person. I think your plot is good, and steadily your characters are becoming more relatable. (I'm not sure I spelled that right.) However, I think your story is a bit too unrealistic, there is no real motivation behind getting the sword or going on a monstrous-looking train, and for that reason it is confusing what the purpose is behind this story. I'm sure you'll clarify this, but it is something to consider in case you haven't figured it out yet. I hope I wasn't too brutal and that my critiques have helped.

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Sun Sep 14, 2008 8:13 am
Fellow says...

I will read any of your stories. I don't wanna die of hiperventilation because of 2 hour laughing. *Kidding* It is a great idea. Nothing to point out. I`m waiting for the chapter 6.

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Sat Sep 13, 2008 3:05 pm
Reuben A wrote a review...

Hi. Me agian.
'griound' ground.'I went to sleep on my old bed and pulled my new sheets on myself. The sword rested just besides me.
I woke up to the smell of pancakes' Still, I think that you should add a space between the two times. 'mike making a big pile of the' Mike should be capitalized. How did you get from he get from his house to the bank? I like the story very much, and I am awaiting the next installment. PM me when it's done.


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